Exploring the Causes of Illness

We have all heard the saying, ‘what doesn’t kill you will make you stronger’. It suggests that we become healthier when we endure and adapt to the many stressors we encounter from our immediate environment.  There is branch of science devoted to this observation called hormesis and it can be an interesting topic for future discussion.  The saying is only partially true, because while one is enduring an experience of significant stress, many persons develop and set into motion a pattern of symptoms which continue long after the stressful event has passed.  Yes, the person survived and learned something, but they are not the same.  This is now the chronic patient with single or multiple symptoms being treated with drugs to manage local symptoms.  This is the medical situation most Americans find themselves in, a dangerous path, especially when combined with unhealthy lifestyle choices.

I am limiting the definition of ‘cause’ to 'a triggering event which preceded the onset of symptoms.’  There are many causes of illness from the environment we live in such as grief and loss, physical harm, fright, prolonged emotional distress, inherited tendencies, infections, medications, exposure to weather extremes, and many more.  Any experience strong enough to overcome our ability to adapt causes a long lasting set of physical and mental symptoms. The body reacts to stress as a whole, generating symptoms in several organs. Symptoms are not isolated from each other and are related to a cause.  This is the mindset of the homeopath.  Determining the cause of illness is begun when the doctor asks: ‘when did your symptoms begin, and what was going on in your life at the time?’ When the cause can be determined, the homeopath prescribes medicine that addresses both the cause of illness and its effects.

If you're seeking a holistic approach to your health, we invite you to book an appointment with our experienced homeopathic doctor.


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