Disc Injury Repair

Doctor Lloyd Reiter, DC ND Adjusts a Patient

For those of you that experience low back pain (LBP), it would help you to know that there are various causes for LBP and an accurate diagnosis by a health care provider is essential for proper treatment and relief. 

For example all of the following cause LBP: muscle spasm, bone infection, bone tumors, referred pains from internal organ disease, kidney stone, arthritis, nerve compression, spinal stenosis, endometriosis, lumbar joint restrictions, disc protrusion and herniations, stress, fibromyalgia.  Each of these conditions requires a different treatment plan. 

In this blog post I want to focus on disc injury causing LBP.  In my experience, recurring LBP is most commonly caused by a  lumbar disc injury that is unrecognized or maltreated. Firstly, there is no such thing as a slipped disc.  They do not slip, they tear!  Like any physically torn tissue of the body, it takes time to mend, and re-injury must be prevented during the healing process. For a surface wound, preventing infection is key, for disc repair, preventing the compressive force of gravity on the injured disc is key.  Not knowing how to manage the disc injury, patients live in a cycling pattern of background LBP followed by periods of forced rest due to re-injury, followed by partial repair and relief, only to re-injure the disc again.  The way to heal discs is to understand their anatomy, their function and to remove the obstacles to cure.

If you're seeking a holistic approach to help with disc repair, we invite you to book an appointment with our experienced chiropractic doctor.


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